10.00 hrs Welcome on behalf of SOILveR, Esther Goidts (Service Public de Wallonië)

10.10 hrs  Connecting monitoring and data from the EU and member states (LUCAS ) Arwin Jones (JRC)

10.25 hrs  EJP SOIL activities will support the future EU soil monitoring scheme?” Claire Chenu  (INRAE)

10.40 hrs  Q&A

10.45 hrs   Soil quality monitoring network (RMQS): a dedicated tool to evaluate and monitor long-term French soil quality Antonio Bispo (INRAE-InfoSol)

11.00 hrs   Q&A

11.05 hrs   Dutch soil monitoring system now and onwards.’ Fenny van Egmond (Wageningen University and Research,WUR)

11.20 hrs   Q&A

11.25 hrs   The Walloon soil monitoring scheme, Esther Goidts (Service Public de Wallonië)

11.40 hrs   Q&A

11.50 hrs   Discussion, discussion leader on behalf of SOILveR, Gita Maas (Ministry of Infrastructure & Watermanagement NL)

12.15 hrs   What is our message to the Soil Expert Group, All

12.30 hrs   End of meeting